Talent Assessment

Our assessment solutions address the full talent life-cycle:

Pre-Hire Screening

Validated professional readiness assessments as part of the candidate screening process.

New Hire On-boarding Success

Multiple touch points among stakeholders to track new hire’s on-boarding success and monitor overall process health.

Early Career Development

Self-paced, multi-module personal growth providing recent graduates with skills to thrive in the work world.

Continuing Career Development

Self-assessment tools for employees to pursue personal growth on their own time and terms.

Performance Management

180° assessment tools for individuals and their managers to track and plan for performance improvement.

Manager Development

90° and 180° upward feedback tools for line managers and supervisors to sharpen their manager/leader skills.

Leadership Development

360º feedback tools for emerging and senior leaders, seeking feedback from many perspectives.

Exactly What You Need

Have a unique talent management challenge? We can help you develop a custom solution to meet your exact needs.


New Hire On-Boarding

You’ve spent all the time and money to find and hire talent. Don’t skimp when it counts most. Successfully on-boarding that talent is your best chance to protect your investment and accelerate your new talent’s path to productivity.

Multiple touch-points during the new hire process and multiple perspectives provide critical insight and subtle course correction to keep the on-boarding process running smoothly. Aggregated data provides insights into overall hiring / on-boarding process health and the key drivers of new hire success.

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Client Success: All Aboard!

A government agency approached Leading Indicator Systems to help with a challenge. They spent months recruiting for roles with very specific technical requirements only to see many of their recruits leave for private-sector jobs. The obvious answer was pay, which the agency couldn’t address given strict government salary bands. Digging deeper we found a range of more important shortcomings that the agency could address, including: culture, expectations, mentoring and feedback.

Leading Indicator Systems:

  • Built a framework for on-boarding success

  • Designed a multi-touchpoint (at hire and on regular intervals over first year) new hire - manager feedback program

  • Integrated hiring data and performance data

  • Generated individual and aggregate reporting

Client got timely feedback to improve individual new hire experiences and aggregated insight to drive recruiting, on-boarding and retention processes.

“Our on-boarding program gave us vital information to shape individual new hire experiences. It enabled very different and more powerful conversations. And when we looked at aggregate data we began to see what was working and what needed fixing,” explained the agency’s Head of Human Resources.


Talent Development

Talent is your secret weapon. Empower your people with tools to build their skills and align them with your business objectives.

At Leading Indicator Systems we have ready-to-go solutions for frontline associates, supervisors and line managers to build early and mid-career skills.

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Client Success: Empowering Frontline Associates

A financial services company sought to empower its 15,000+ frontline associates, testing alignment with the company’s 12 core principles and helping them develop their own action plans.

Leading Indicator Systems:

  • Built a quick, fun online diagnostic

  • Enabled immediate, custom feedback

  • Incorporated a detailed report with benchmarks

  • Added an easy-to-use action planning tool

Employees can access the feedback and planning tool on their own schedule. And the company got a real charge out of our solution!


Leadership Development

Companies are full of managers. Finding and developing the true leaders among them is the million-dollar ticket… almost literally given the costs of failing to develop internal talent and then paying to recruit and integrate talent from outside the organization!

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Client Success: Orders Up!

A national quick service restaurant chain, our client holds its leaders to a clearly defined (and high) set of standards. The company had been using a well-known leadership 360° tool. However, the 100+ question survey exhausted respondents and failed to deliver feedback that leaders found compelling.

Leading Indicator Systems:

  • Designed and validated a 5 factor, 20 question 360° survey tool

  • Aligned reporting to leverage franchise standards, devoid of the consulting frameworks and jargon

  • Created a “quick service” survey experience

Now, leaders look forward to participating in the assessment program, give and receive useful feedback and have a framework for their development. One told us, “I finally have time to actually reflect and provide useful feedback.”

Ready-to-go Solution: Leading with Vision & Passion

Based on extensive research and client work, Leading Indicator Systems has identified and validated 5 key drivers of leadership success and a set of “success spoilers” that, if present, can derail even the brightest young leader. Let us help you develop leaders with vision & passion!


What’s your talent challenge?