Emotions Matter: 12 case studies

The evidence is in. Emotions matter far more than anyone imagined.

Subliminal motivation

Unconscious emotional processes drive our conscious social motivations.

Hangry justice

Even the most monumental decisions are ruled by our emotions.

Split-brain confabulations

We construct plausible-sounding stories to explain our behavior that have nothing to do with the real reasons.

Telling stories

We have no trouble inventing stories to explain our behavior.

How are you feeling?

We are generally unaware of why we feel as we do, and can be easily misled by our conscious interpretations.

Even artificially-induced feelings determine our thoughts

Our conscious thoughts are entirely determined by how we are feeling.

Is that warmth you're feeling?

We regularly confuse concepts, bodily sensations, and emotions.

Can you make any decision without emotion?

It turns out that even trivial decisions are impossible without emotions.

Emotion and hiring decisions

We are entirely unaware of the emotional reasons behind our decisions

Can emotions be subconscious?

We can both detect emotional stimuli and respond to them emotionally, all without conscious awareness.

Estimation under the influence

Even simple guesses are ruled by our emotions.

The rational voter?

Even the most monumental decisions are ruled by our emotions.

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