Can you make any decision without emotion?
It turns out that even trivial decisions are impossible without emotions.
Before a brain tumor was removed from Elliot’s frontal lobes, he was a model citizen with a good job and strong family ties. Since the tumor was removed however, despite continuing to have high intelligence and a strong memory, Elliot found that he was no longer able to make even the simplest decisions. He would consider the question of whether to use a pen with black or blue ink for hours. When choosing a return appointment, he became lost in weighing the merits of different dates and times, unable to come to any decision.
His problem, it turned out, was the inability to feel emotions. He was unable to sense good or bad feelings about alternative options and was forever stuck in a dry wasteland of facts.
Conclusion: •Emotional processes aren’t just important determinants of decisions, they are the essential ingredient to making any decision.