Learn More About How AgileBrain Can Help Your Clients
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Get to the Real Issues Faster
When: 4th Wednesday of Every Month @ 12-1PM EST
Create more powerful client conversations that build their emotional / motivational awareness and unlock positive change.
Learn How AgileBrain:
Speeds your coaching process by measuring your clients’ emotions.
Surfaces real issues by cutting through posturing and attempts at impression management.
Provides a comprehensive structure for discussion and learning
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Emotions Matter, AgileBrain Measures Emotions
AgileBrain for Coaching is designed to help you create more powerful client conversations that build their emotional / motivational awareness and unlock positive change.
AgileBrain for Coaching Includes:
A personalized link for your clients to take AgileBrain
Notifications when your clients complete AgileBrain
Calendar integration for your clients to schedule debriefs with you directly
A personalized portal for you to access your client results and AgileBrain resources
Upfront training and ongoing support
Access to the monthly AgileBrain Coaching Forum for the latest emotions / motivations research, case studies and networking
AgileBrain for Coaching
What is AgileBrain?
AgileBrain is a breakthrough, neuroscience-based emotional-motivational assessment tool. For the first time, coaches have a validated, neuroscience-based tool to measure their clients’ emotional / motivational needs. Coaches no longer need to settle for cognitive tools, ill-suited to measure non-cognitive processes, like emotions and motivations.
With its unique, image-based technique and comprehensive emotional needs framework, AgileBrain measures and maps emotions accurately.
AgileBrain has been validated in a series of independent studies with thousands of respondents and is actively being used by AgileBrain coaches.
It’s a fast and fun approach that is easy for coaches to employ and paints a remarkably accurate and actionable profile of emotional needs, enabling AgileBrain coaches to have powerful conversation with their clients.
Jumpstart Your Coaching Process